Final Call for papers

International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Engineering Management.

When considering a puzzle, the first comforting truth that may occur is that puzzles do have solutions. As we move from a new normal to the ever-perplexing next normal, all the pieces of life’s puzzle are scattered like a kaleidoscope of colours. As curious thinkers seeking out intrigue and solutions to our challenges, we also recognize another truth as put by Noam Chomsky: “The willingness to be puzzled is a valuable trait to cultivate, from childhood to advanced inquiry”.

With a Venn-diagram of overlapping puzzle pieces, the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE) and the International Council on System Engineering (INCOSE) are thrilled to invite you to the combined ISEM2023 conference to cultivate your willingness to be puzzled!

Take up the piece in front of you, and then the next! Find the pattern, connect it, and come share with your fellow puzzlers! Soon, and perhaps surprisingly so, you will find that you have become the piece that someone has needed. Take up your place, fill the empty spaces and be part of the solution to the bigger picture!